

Page history last edited by rsb 2 months, 1 week ago

What is this odd thing?


The personal, public wiki of Rich Bodo.


I often publish here as I develop ideas from notes, occasionally publishing them elsewhere later.  There are some memoirs and stories here, too.  Although most of these notes are written primarily for me to reference, I am trying hard to publish them openly, early, and often - and in such a way that some value could be derived by others from even the most incomplete pages herein.  For me, this wiki is an act of relaxing, informal, positive sum communication - I really enjoy thinking on paper like this, and I hope you enjoy reading something here.  


I'm easy to get in touch with.  Feel free to email me at richbodo@gmail.com.  


As far as my presence on the rest of the web, I have a linkedin resume that I stopped posting to in 2015, and a github account (which I mostly post idea projects to - I stopped coding seriously pre-github).  I check some social media channels yearly, at least. I also have a old medium blog that I stopped posting to in 2020, a very old blogspot blog, and a website I'm experimenting with as a possible replacement for this one, with not much on it. 


Things Rich has written:


Short Stories (newest at top)

Non Fiction Writing


LICENSE:  Every page on this wiki is copyright Richard Bodo.  If I did not license it further, that's because I am lazy.  If you want something changed to a different license, just ask.  


Certifications: All pages herein were written by a certified human.


Tech: This free wiki is built and maintained by ancient 2000s era SuperHappyDevHouse tech and business theory. 


Share: Intentionally




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